We all know that chiropractors help adults with a variety of conditions from headaches, to back problems, and sports injuries. But what about children and babies?

Chiropractic care is especially suited to the younger members of our family and can offer so many benefits.

So, if your baby or child has difficulty eating, trouble sleeping through the night, is fussy due to colic or suffers from ear infections, chiropractic care may be the answer you’ve been searching for.

What do chiropractors usually treat in babies and children?

At Suncoast Chiropractic, we have helped many children and babies over the years. Chiropractic care for infants typically addresses the following complaints:

  • Difficulty breastfeeding or latching
  • Colic, constipation, and acid reflux
  • Ear pain /infection

All of which can be caused by a spinal misalignment which compromises the nervous system.

A properly functioning nervous system is extremely important in a child’s development. When the nervous system is performing as it should be, and any tensions are eased, a child will eat and sleep better and will thrive. The benefits of chiropractic care are many, and they include:

  1. Helps with post-birth recovery

After birth, a baby may need a gentle adjustment to address misalignment in the spine – after all, childbirth is not only traumatic for the mother but the baby too! There can be as much as 30 pounds of pressure on the baby’s spine during birth. This eases any tensions in the body that have caused pain and discomfort to the baby. We think of this as post-birth recovery, and a chiropractor can help with this healing. 

Misalignments of the spine can also lead to fussiness, ear pain, or difficulty sleeping through the night. Chiropractic adjustments can help an infant to sleep better and help with overall growth.

  1. Helps with gastroesophageal reflux and colic

Often referred to as GERD, gastroesophageal reflux results in babies spitting up their milk frequently and having trouble sleeping. Acid blockers are often used, however, this doesn’t get to the root cause of the problem and relieve the underlying issue. 

Colic, often due to an immature or underactive gastrointestinal system, can lead to a crying, uncomfortable baby. You’ll notice a baby will pull up his/her legs to try to relieve gas and will suffer from abdominal pain. 

For both of these issues, Chiropractic care is the answer. A gentle adjustment can relieve pressure. This means that the nervous and digestive systems can perform as normal. 

  1. Helps with ear infections

Young children can often suffer from ear infections when fluid builds up in the Eustachian tubes and cannot drain, causing pressure in the ear. An ear infection can be very painful. 

Chiropractic care can address this since research shows that ear infections in infants can be caused by a minor injury to the nerves during birth or later. A simple and gentle manipulation can restore the function of the eustachian tube by dilating the muscles around it, relieving the pressure. 

How does a chiropractor help children and babies?

As chiropractors, we can help children and babies in a variety of ways, and our approach and care are gentle and safe. 

The techniques that we use on babies and children are different from those used on adults, using gentle manipulations and adjustment for maximum results. 

These techniques involve light pressure. The work of a chiropractor will help to restore normal body function by restoring the proper function of the nervous system. The adjustments that we perform on the young are designed to help their bodies to perform efficiently. In addition to offering short-term relief, chiropractic care offers long-term healing and health benefits. 

Gentle hands for the entire family

Your little ones will be in the best possible hands here at Suncoast Chiropractic.

Our caring, dedicated team takes every care, putting safety first. 

Book a visit for your child or baby and Dr. Albert E Andrion, Dr. Doug Reitz, and all of the team will help them to feel their best.

Give us a call today and tell us what your little one needs help with.